1. There's a Shark Week drinking game... Actually there are multiple.
Who doesn't love getting drunk while watching TV? Drinking is fun. Watching TV is fun. Sharks are cool. You should add them all together. Actually, a lot of people already have. I Googled it... and the first two games that I saw were completely different. Most have to do with drinking when you hear words, drinking when someone says shark. Here are two different ones and an E-Card I made.
1. Gentle Version From Entertainment Weekly
2. The Official Shark Week Drinking Game by BroBible --> Which is pretty intense
Great statistics from Nat Geo's website:
- "Over 17,000 people die from falls each year. That's a 1 in 218 chance over your lifetime, compared to a 1 in 3,700,000 chance of being killed by a shark" 1
- "You have 1 in 63 chance of dying from the flu and a 1 in 3,700,000 chance of being killed by a shark during your lifetime" 1
So basically, you have a better chance of falling down and dying than being attacked by a shark and dying from it. Yeah, they're scary. But people kill people and you still probably like them. And humans don't have 5 rows of teeth. Sharks do. How cool is that? (By the way: If you're playing the Shark Week Drinking Games, you'd probably have to drink after reading those two facts.)
Have you ever thought that maybe sharks are just misunderstood? Maybe when a shark attacks you, it's just playing with you. Have you ever though about that? They were in the ocean before us.. maybe... and now we're making their home our play thing. Maybe they see us as cute, little cuddly humans they just want to nuzzle... with their mouth... on our legs and arms.
You swim in their territory, you should probably know about them. Granted they might not be the largest thing in the ocean, but they definitely have the teeth to rip most of the things in the ocean apart. Sharks have six senses, one of which is electromagnetism. They can pick up on electrical fields of other animals 2... Uh, what? That's awesome. Some sharks can swim up to 60 mph 3.... Even More Awesome. If they could be on land, they'd be that person that you're angry at on the highway for going 5 miles under the speed limit. You're not getting away from that, so you should probably respect it.
I bet you can't do that. Even if you tried. Really, really, really hard.
Credit: Morne Hardenberg
That you've probably seen a million times, and it only gets better each time.
Photo: Picture Media
I don't know, he's pretty funny. I sort of just needed a filler for #7 and he seemed like the best thing to put here. So here's a picture of him. I liked him on Chelsea Lately...
And you'll want to have something to talk about around the water cooler right? They might even think you're a cool person.
That you've probably seen on Facebook and has barely anything to do with sharks. But it is awesome because it's a cat dressed up like a shark riding on a automatic vacuum cleaner.
1. Channel, N. G. (2013). Shark Attack Facts.
Retrieved August 2014, from Nat Geo TV:
2. Brunner, T. (n.d.). The
Sixth (And Seventh) Sense. Retrieved 2014, from Shark Savers:
3. About.com. (n.d.). How
Fast Can a Shark Swim? Retrieved August 2014, from About.com: